EricaPro is an intuitive platform for company data analysis

The platform provides access to the largest database of companies in Spain and Portugal with complete financial statements, shareholder structure and general information per company


What is EricaPro? 

EricaPro is a robust and easy-to-use platform developed by TTR Data in partnership with Iberinform that contains the most extensive database of companies in Spain and Portugal, including detailed annual accounts, proprietary sector classification, and active/inactive companies.

Access to the platform is also available on smartphones (IOS and Android) to enable our clients to access the information whenever they need it.


EricaPro Coverage

The largest database of companies and financial data in Spain and Portugal


Millions of companies


Fields per company


Millions of shareholders and directors


EricaPro empowers professionals across a range of business functions

Investment origination for Private Equity and M&A

Identify companies to invest/buy through dozens of financial criteria. Map potential buyers for a given company. Identify owners potentially interested in selling their company.

Legal Advisory, Audit and Consulting

Identify business opportunities and acquisition targets. Perform market studies and financial analysis for your clients. Elaborate better commercial proposals by knowing more about the size and financial structure of a potential customer.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

Essential tool for prospecting, segmentation and opportunity enrichment.  Create lists of potential customers by location/industry and export to your CRM.  Develop better relationships by getting to know your current or future customers.

Compliance and Due Diligence (KYC)

Identify shareholding structures, companies with same ultimate owner as well as business groups. Know more about the nature of a client's business and verify if a company is legitimate and in operation.

Credit and Supplier Risk Management

Analyze the financial performance of companies through annual accounts in official reported or standardized format (EricaPro global format) and key financial indicators.

Academic Research

Use the platform as an academic research tool for teachers and students, as well as a teaching support tool in several areas.


Advanced and easy-to-use search engine

EricaPro platform was developed with a simple and easy-to-use interface. Search companies by various criteria such as name, location, TAD ID, activity, sector, status and dozens of financial indicators such as revenue, EBITDA, total assets, net debt, among others.


The sector classifications available in EricaPro allow users to filter content with a high degree of granularity

The EricaPro platform provides the search for companies with the classifications of economic activities in Spain (CNAE) and Portugal (CAE). Additionally, users can search for companies using an innovative industry classification.

The EricaPro sector classification is a proprietary industry sector taxonomy developed by TTR Data to classify companies. It is a three-tiered, hierarchical sector classification system comprised by 11 Sector Groups, 53 Sectors and 393 Subsectors.

Sector Groups:

  • Business Services
  • Consumer Products & Services
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Industrials
  • Information Technology
  • Media, Entertainment & Information Services
  • Public Services & NGOs
  • Raw Materials & Natural Resources
  • Telecommunications

Ready to see EricaPro in action? ?